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Prof. Francis Fontan

Today on his birthday, we would like to remember Prof. Francis Fontan. A great heart surgeon and pioneer in the field of single-ventricle heart surgery. Thanks to his "Fontan" procedure, children born with a single-ventricle heart can often lead a nearly normal life into adulthood.


Over time, these patients experience a worsening of their heart and other organ function, a so called failing of their Fontan circulation.

Then, these patients are in desperate need of a donor heart.

To survive the often very long waiting times, we have developed a bridging solution specifically for these patients.


Please read more about it: https://www.berlinheart.de/en/medical-professionals/excorr-venous-cannula/


The access to some or all shown products may be restricted by country-specific regulatory approvals. The use of EXCOR® VAD for adults, RVAD-support, EXCOR® Venous Cannula, EXCOR® Arterial Cannula for Graft, Excor mobile and EXCOR® Active is not FDA approved and not available for commercial use in the US.