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ECHSA 2021

We are looking forward to an interesting virtual event of ECHSA, European Congenital Heart Surgeons Association, on June 11-12!

Providing circulatory support for patients with congenital heart defects in any age group is what sets Berlin Heart apart. This year, we are presenting a bridging solution for patients with Fontan circulatory failure.


Attend the presentation from Prof. Dr. med. Juergen Hoerer, LMU University Hospital Munich, Germany, on Friday, June 11, 2021 from 6:30 - 7:00 pm:
Sub-pulmonary Mechanical Support with EXCOR®: First Clinical Experience

More information about: https://www.berlinheart.de/en/medical-professionals/excorr-venous-cannula/

The access to some or all shown products may be restricted by country-specific regulatory approvals. The use of EXCOR® VAD for adults, RVAD-support, EXCOR® Venous Cannula, EXCOR® Arterial Cannula for Graft, Excor mobile and EXCOR® Active is not FDA approved and not available for commercial use in the US.